Meet the 3 heights in 1, anti-slip plyo box solution for your gym. We cut corners with this design (literally) to avoid painful slips during box jumps while providing an inner brace and no-slip PVC for extra security while you crank your tunes and go crazy.
Can't finish your set at the current height? No problem-o, pal. Just flip to one of the other heights and get down with your bad self. This versatile home gym staple has a 400lb capacity and unlocks step-ups, box jumps, incline and decline push-ups, tricep dips, and the dreaded Bulgarian split squat. Lucky you!
We ship these boxes unassembled to save on shipping, but no carpentry background is required to get these thrown together. Grab a screwdriver, and 20 minutes later, you're good to go.
IMPORTANT: The extra-small plyo box (16″ x 14″ x 12″) does not have an inner brace.