Structural Engineering
The design of the machine is impressive with advanced structural engineering and biomechanics. The machines are innovative and feature robust materials that increase the durability of frequent use. Customers who choose these machines can look forward to a factory-assembled, continuous-welded weight frame with reinforced fiberglass nylon pulleys.
Aesthetically Pleasing
The exterior of the frame features electrostatically applied powder coating with 11-gauge oval tubing for additional comfort and protection. The high-density foam rubber hand grips and handles make it easier to exercise because there is less pressure. The aircraft cables are designed to withstand 1133.9 kg of pressure, and they are 5.5 mm in diameter. Durafirm upholstery, constructed with two-inch high-density foam, is featured on the seat and can withstand the wear-and-tear of daily use.
Durable and Industrially Rated
Most people can appreciate the ease by which the three-gauge steel connecting plates flow. The leg hold downs are adjustable, and the sealed bearings at the pivot points are industrially-rated. With 0.5 diameter connecting bolts, you can be assured that the device will be durable during the multiple uses.
Wide Variety of Exercises for the Upper Body
When you purchase this machine, you'll have the opportunity to perform exercises such as: Wide Grip Front Lat Pulldown, Seated Row, Close Grip Front Lat Pulldown, Tricep Press Down, Reverse Fly, and Tricep Kickback. This machine provides a full upper body workout and is compact enough to be placed in a small home gym.
Lifetime Warranty on Frame
Warranties are available to ensure the device operates at optimal condition. There is a lifetime warranty on frames, welds, guide rods, and weight plates. There is a one-year warranty on cables, upholstery and grips. To redeem the warranty, all you need is the proof of the date of purchase and the sales receipt.